How Often Should Pest Control be done?

April 22, 2023

We recommend an Every other month for most homes, but it depends on a few factors; let’s walk through the main ones to help you determine the best option.

Finding the Right Service Frequency

We recommend an Every other month for most homes, but it depends on a few factors; let’s walk through the main ones to help you determine the best option.

At Crazy Ant Pest Control, we understand there is no one-size-fits-all approach. That is why we off edifferentnt pest programs (Monthly, Every other Month, Quarterly, and Emergency Services)

Factor One: Location, Location, Location

Are you close to water or a breeding site for insects, Was your development built on an Ant Hill (AKA Orchard), or does it have a lot of well-developed foliage that insects could call home? Do you live in a country setting? Are your e home well sealed, or does it have a few entry points? These Factors have a lot to do with the number of insects.

Factor Two: Products Used

There are a lot of eco-friendly Products that have a long life. If you want to go 100% certified Organic, you will want to be on a monthly service plan since most plant-based treatments don’t have a long life.

Factor Three: Allergic Reactions

Do you or anyone in your home have allergic reactions to stings or bites? A monthly inspection and service can significantly reduce the chances of being bit. Half a million emergency room visits happen every you’re from insect bites or stings.

Facto Four: Personal Preference

The more often a service is done, the better protection the structure will have. Although some prefer a monthly service plan, others are good with doing a service once a quarter.

Our recommendation:


  1. For those that are allergic to insect bites or stings.
  2. For those that want to go as Organic as Possible
  3. For Mosquito Treatments
  4. For infestations inside a home (Roaches, Fleas, etc.)
  5. For those that want a monthly service

Every Other Month Service:

This is for Most Customers; in the Central Valley, doing a service every two months hits the sweet spot of keeping pests away and keeping it budget-friendly.

Side Note: Crazy Ant Pest Control has easy payment options and can break down every-other-month services and Quarterly services into small monthly payments.

Quarterly Service: (Every Three Months)

Perfect for low-pest areas. Suppose you live in a low-pest area and have a small property. A Quarterly service plan could be the right fit. We will come out at the change.

Emergency Services as needed

It is much easier to prevent issues than to get rid of insects once they are set up in the roots of plants and trees, inside walls, and under the foundation. An Emergency service can help reclaim your home.

I hope this helped you find the service frequecy that works best for your need, if not we we be happy to talk with you one on one over the phone and to find a plan that would find your needs the best.



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How Often Should Pest Control be done?

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