Pest info

Fleas in Fresno

These are small flightless insects that belong to the order Siphonaptera. Fleas are ectoparasites that live by consuming the blood of their hosts. They can cause discomfort and health issues in pets and occasionally humans, including skin irritation, allergic reactions, and in some cases, can transmit diseases such as the bubonic plague.

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How do i get rid of

Fleas in Fresno

Fleas Outside

Adult fleas attach themselves to a host( Alley cats, squares, dogs, rodents, possums, etc..) and drop 20-30 eggs perday, per flea. Making a single square or rodent able to drop thousands of fleaeggs in your yard every day. Within a few days they can hatch into larva andthen cocoon themselves for up to 2 years and wait for a host. As long as theyare in that cocoon (Pupae stage) they are supper resident to any type oftreatment. A regular service plan is the most effective way to have a flea freeyard.

Fleas Inside

With fleas inside it is possible to getrid of them with one or two treatments if everything is prepared properly andaction is taken to make sure fleas are not reintroduced inside the home. Giveus a call and we can walk you through the process of preparing your home to betreated.

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