Earwigs in Fresno
These are insects recognized by their characteristic pincers or forceps-like appendages at their rear. Belonging to the order Dermaptera, earwigs can cause damage to foliage, flowers, and various crops, but are also beneficial as they feed on aphids, mites, and other insects.
Crazy Ant
How do i get rid of
Earwigs and silverfish are two separatespices but enjoy the same habitats. Most earwigs can flatten themselves whichallows them to fit inside tight crevices such as under your door. They usuallyare found inside homes when the tempterature changes for any reason.
Treating earwigs/silverfish starts witha basic inspection and find the source of the problem. They love to live indamp spots around the house. It is important to do a full inspection of the property to identifyall the potential spots that allow earwigs/silverfish to thrive. A proper crackand crevice treatment should drastically reduce their population in and aroundyour home.
frequently asked questions
If you call by noon, we can ofter get there the same day. We are closed on Sundays.
Give us a call and tell us about your goals, the property and what you are seeing and we will be able to get you an estimate in as little as 7 minutes.
We use low toxicity products and incorporate eco and pet friendly products whenever possible.