Ticks in Fresno
These are small arachnids that are parasites, feeding on the blood of their hosts, which include birds, mammals, and sometimes reptiles and amphibians. Ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease and other types of tick-borne illnesses.
Crazy Ant
How do i get rid of
Ticks live off the blood of their hostand spread a bacteria that can cause sickness. They engorge themselves. Asingle female can lay thousands of eggs in her lifetime. There has been muchdebate on how to slow the spread of ticks, the best defense is to be on aregular service plan.
Their may not be a lot we can do to slowdown the spread of ticks across the country but we can do a lot in making sureyour yards are a safe place. We make sure to treat not only the entire lawn,bushes and flower beds for ticks. With a regular treatment schedule of youryard in correlation with having your pets treated for ticks it is possible tobe tick free or we will come back for free.
frequently asked questions
If you call by noon, we can ofter get there the same day. We are closed on Sundays.
Give us a call and tell us about your goals, the property and what you are seeing and we will be able to get you an estimate in as little as 7 minutes.
We use low toxicity products and incorporate eco and pet friendly products whenever possible.